Workshops & Presentations
Community In-Service Trainings
Staff In-Service Trainings
I have worked in the field of Mental Health and Health Care since 1984.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW, State of California, LCS
14447) and a Certified Group Psychotherapist (42559, through the American
Group Psychotherapy Association). I have been in Private Practice in
San Francisco since 1992 and in Menlo Park since 1996. My speciality
focus has included work with gay and bisexual men and their families,
group work, HIV/AIDS and other physical illnesses, homophobia, stress
management, burnout, and grief and loss issues.
For many years, I worked in hospital, home care and hospice settings
providing Social Work services, including crisis intervention, counseling
focusing on death and dying issues, case management, and other general
social work and psychothereupetic
needs and concerns.
My past volunteer experience included individual and couples’ therapy
at New Leaf (twelve years), Social Work Psychotherapy Providers (two
years), Harvey Milk Institute (five years), and Alumnae Resources (four
Additionally, I have provided a number of trainings, inservices, workshops
and presentations for lay audiences, hospitals, health care agencies
and organizations throughout the country. A listing of these can be found
under trainings. For the past nine
years, I have participated on a panel of Trainers with the National Association
of Social Workers (NASW), providing HIV education for social workers
on a national level, through a grant with NIMH.
My professional commitments have been with Gaylesta (the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender
Psychotheapist Association of the Bay Area) providing a variety of duties
(twenty-eight years), and with the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA,
Co-Chair of the LGBT Special Interest Group, 2004-2008).
Additionally, I belong to the following organizations: National Association
of Social Workers (NASW), American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA),
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT), Santa
Clara Valley CAMFT (SCV-CAMFT), San Francisco CAMFT, East Bay CAMFT, Northern California
Group Psychotherapy Society (NCGPS) and the Santa Clara County Psychological Association (SCCPA).
I currently serve on the Faculty of The Psychotherapy Institute's Group Therapy Training Program in Berkeley, CA. I am also on the Faculty of the American Group Psychotherapy Association's
Annual Conference, leading two day process
groups in 2019 and 2020. In 2019, I began leading the Process Group for the San Mateo County Psychiatry Residency Training Program.
Exploring Household Clutter: A
Support Group
Foundations of Flirting for Gay and Bisexual Men (9)
General Issues Men's Group (all sexual orientations) (1)
General Issues Psychotherapy Group for Gay and Bisexual Men (7)
Group for MSW Supervision Hours
HIV Positive Support Issues (7)
Staff Support (5)
Stress Management for the "Worried Well" (2)
Stress Management for People with AIDS
& Presentations
Issues in Gay Male Dating (5)
The Art of Flirting (2)
Clinical Issues and Counseling with Men who Have Sex with Men
Common Countertransference Factors for the Group Leader
Common Participant Roles and their Impact on Group Functioning
Coping Strategies in Working with People with AIDS
Creating Strategies for Coping with Grief and Loss
Culture, Ethnicity and the HIV Patient: Psychosocial
Issues for the Advanced Practitioner (4)
Demystifying Group Therapy: What are the Benefits?
Disclosure Issues for HIV Positive Clients
Doing Groups
Ethical Issues, HIV/AIDS, and Social Work Practice (3)
Exploring Grief and Loss in HIV Social Work: How
We Provide for Our
Clients and Ourselves (2)
Exploring Homophobia: An Experiential Workshop for Gays and
Exploring Value in Group Work with Gay and Bisexual Men
Flirting and Dating: What Does it All Mean?
Flirting & Dating Issues for Gay/Bi Men in Recovery
Foundations of Flirting and Dating for Gay and Bisexual Men (14)
Foundations of Flirting for Gay and Bisexual Men (5)
Fundamentals of Group Therapy Facilitation: Practical Issues and Challenges
Gay Men in AIDS Social Work: A
Thematic Panel Discussion
Gay Men Resisting HIV Antibody Results Disclosure: Psychosocial
Groups for Behavior Change
Group as Community
Group Members Leaving
Group Guidelines for Participation and Agreements
Group FAQ's for Facilitators
A HIPPA Primer for Private Practitioners
Implementation of Effective Group Support for HIV Positives
If I'm So Wonderful, Why am I Still Single? Relationship
Issues for Lesbians and Gay Men
Introduction to Practical Issues in Gay Male Dating (6)
Men Connecting Authentically
Mental Health and HIV/AIDS: Social
Work Practice Issues (10)
Navigating Group Conflicts
An Overview of Stress Management (2)
Practical Issues in Gay and Bisexual Male Dating (5)
Practical Issues in Forming and Promoting Groups
Practice Issues in Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Providing Staff Support Groups for HIV Home Care Staff
Psychosocial Issues, Assessment and Treatment Interventions with Cluttering
Psychosocial Issues with Lesbian/Gay Clients: An
Interactive Discussion
Resolutions '90: Implementing Safer Sex Practices
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas for AIDS Caregivers
Screening and Intake Questions for Support and Therapy Groups
Special Focus Populations and Group: Gender, Ethniciity, Sexual Orientation and others
Support Strategies for HIV Negatives
Taking Care of Our Own: Staff Support Groups in AIDS Work (2)
Therapy Potpourri: Questions & Issues About Psychotherapy
Practices Working Effectively with Singles in Psychotherapy
Advanced Topics in Caring for the Patient with HIV: Care
for the Caregiver
Coping with HIV Negative Status: Themes,
Issues and Barriers
Cyber Sex Seminar for Gay Men
Cyber Sex 2000: M Seeking M
Effective Skills and Common Barriers in Everyday Communication
Flirting and Dating Skills for Gay Guys (2)
Group Work: Skills for Clinicians Good-bye to Clutter
Group Work with Gay and Bisexual Men
Healthy Communications: Creating Foundations for Gay and Bisexual
Now What Do I Do? Flirting and Dating Issues for HIV Positives (2)
Psychosocial and Boundary Issues in HIV Volunteer Work
Psychosocial Issues and the Homebound HIV Patient (3)
Psychosocial Issues and the Cancer Patient
Psychotherapists Building a Broader Rainbow: Addressing
Race in our Personal and Professional Lives
A Support Group for Aplastic Anemia Patients
What Inhibits Gay and Bisexual Men in Flirting and Relationships? (3)
A Workshop on Clutter
Caregiving and Burnout in HIV Work (4)
Community Resources for the HIV Patient and Family (2)
Elder/Dependent Abuse: Psychosocial, Legal and Identification
Issues in the Emergency Department
Evaluation of Effectiveness of an HIV Positive Support Group
Group Leadership Skills and Challenges
HIV Testing Issues with Transfusion Recipients (2)
Household Clutter: Psychosocial Issues and Approaches to
Treatment (5)
An Overview of Psychosocial Issues with the HIV Patient (3)
An Overview of Substance Use Issues with Research Study Participants (3)
Psychosocial Issues with HIV Antibody Testing (3)
Psychotherapy with the HIV Client
The Social Work Role in the Emergency Department (2)
Staff Retreat: Burnout, Grief and Loss Issues (2)
Staff Retreat: Burnout and Renewal (3)
Staff Retreat: General Issues (4)
Staff Retreat: Challenging Clients & Changes in
the Work Setting
Staff Retreat: Coping with Change and Growth (2)
Staff Retreat: Working as a Team through Difficult Times
Strategies for Working with Difficult Clients (2)
Working with Male Gay Couples
AIDS Benefits Counselors, San Francisco
AIDS Services of Austin, Texas
ARIS, AIDS Resources, Information & Services of Santa Clara County
Adult Protective Services, City & County of San Francisco
Alabama State Department of Health, HIV Conference
American Society on Aging, Summer Series, San Francisco
Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation,
Annual Conference
Association of Oncology Social Work, Annual Conference,
Charles Schwab, Lesbian/Gay Employee's Association
Children's Hospital of San Francisco
City College Extension, San Francisco
Episcopal Community Services, San Francisco
Family Service Agency of San Mateo County
Gaylesta, the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Therapist
Association of the Bay Area
Harvey Milk Institute, San Francisco
Health Connections AIDS Services, Campbell, California
Home Care Companions, San Francisco
International AIDS and Social Work Conference
International Social Work Conference
Jewish Family & Children's Services, San Francisco
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, San Francisco
Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy Association of Southern
Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
Managed Health Network, Inc.
Marin AIDS Project, Marin County
McAuley Institute, San Francisco
Mendelsohn House/Ceatrice Polite Apartments, San
National Association of Social Workers Conference
National Association of Social Workers, California
National Association of Social Workers, Idaho Chapter
National Association of Social Workers, Kansas Chapter
National Association of Social Workers, Las Vegas
National Association of Social Workers, New Hampshire
National Association of Social Workers, Northern
Regional Chapter, CA
National Association of Social Workers, Pennsylvania
National Association of Social Workers, Reno Chapter
National Association of Social Workers Symposium,
Texas Chapter
National Association of Social Workers, Training
of Trainers
National Association of Social Workers, Western Regional
National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference, Atlanta
National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference, San Francisco
New Leaf, Services for Our Community, San Francisco
North of Market Senior Services, San Francisco
Older Women's League, San Francisco Chapter
Private Practice Seminar, Sarasota, Florida
Saint Anthony Foundation, Social Work Center, San
Saint Mary's Hospital, San Francisco
San Francisco Public Library, Friends for Life Program
San Francisco State University, BSW Group Work Class
San Luis Obispo County Health Agency, Project Man
2 Man
Santa Clara Department of Public Health
Santa Clara Valley Chapter, CAMFT
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Positive PACE
Stanford Health Services, Case Management Staff
Stanford Health Services, Center for Education
Stanford Health Services, Positive Care Clinic
Stanford Health Services, Social Work Staff
Stanford University Help Center
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanislaus County Mental Health, Modesto, California
Stop AIDS Project, San Francisco
Tri-City Health Center, Fremont, California
University of California, San Francisco, AIDS Health
University of California, San Francisco, AIDS Health
Project, Reach Program
World Health Communications, San Francisco Site Presentation
YMCA, Presidio Branch, San Francisco
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